Marital Dissolution

Divorce is one of the most difficult things anyone can experience; it is a death, not of an individual per se, but of a relationship, and that death requires uniquely-qualified professionals with sufficient experience to support the divorcing party toward the goal of reaching an equitable resolution in a personal and efficient manner.  Choosing the appropriate financial expert to assist you can make a significant difference financially to the outcome, both monetarily and emotionally.

Jeff Hauswirth has over 35 years of experience in helping clients and their attorney(s) involved in divorce litigation successfully gain an equitable result on behalf of the divorcing party.  Through experience Jeff understands the tax returns, financial statements and other pertinent documents to request, questions to ask and transactions and accounts to analyze.  He understands the concept of cost/benefit in the allocation of time and resources in performing forensics to the discovery process.  Most importantly Jeff has decades of experience successfully explaining and presenting his opinions to the courts in which he has appeared as a qualified financial expert in various issues related to marital dissolution including: